目前分類:2024 Memorial Day Conference - The Christian Life (26)

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From the New Testament perspective: 'Connect VS Bond VS Unite VS Coordinate VS Accompany VS Combine'


Ephesians 4:16 "From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

Colossians 2:19 "… connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow."

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From a New Testament Perspective: 'The Reign of Sin and Death VS The Reign of Grace and Life'


This title encapsulates a comparative study of two fundamental concepts in Christian theology as presented in the New Testament. It suggests an examination of the contrast between the state of humanity under the dominion of sin and death, and the state of believers under the reign of God's grace and life through Jesus Christ.

The phrase highlights the transformation that occurs in the life of a believer, moving from a state where sin and death have dominion (as described in passages like Romans 5:12-14) to a state where grace and life reign through Jesus Christ (as outlined in Romans 5:17-21).

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"The Pattern of Christ's Death VS The Pattern of Christ's Resurrection from a New Testament Perspective"


This title encapsulates the comparative study of two fundamental Christian concepts as viewed through the lens of the New Testament writings. It suggests an examination of how believers are called to identify with both Christ's death and His resurrection, and how these patterns are manifested in Christian life and theology according to New Testament teachings.


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From the New Testament perspective: 'Why preserving the oneness of the Spirit requires transformation'




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From the New Testament perspective: 'The Christian life is not a matter of replacement, but a matter of grafting'




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"From the New Testament perspective: The Salvation History of Believers' Organic Union with Christ"


This title effectively captures the idea of examining the concept of organic union between believers and Christ through the lens of the New Testament, with a focus on how this union unfolds throughout salvation history. It suggests a comprehensive study of this theological concept, tracing its development and implications from the early church period as recorded in the New Testament to its future fulfillment.


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