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人氣 |
2025-03-23 |
"We Are God's Masterpiece, Poetry"
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2025-03-23 |
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2025-03-22 |
‘Letting Christ Make Home in Our Hearts’ vs. ‘Letting the Peace of Christ Arbitrate in Our Hearts’
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2025-03-22 |
‘讓基督安家在我們心裏’ vs. ‘讓基督的平安在我們心裏作仲裁’
(4) |
2025-03-22 |
The Mystery of Christian Life: The Magnification of Christ in Us
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2025-03-22 |
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2025-03-21 |
從 新約 看 '基督徒穿上新人的路'
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2025-03-21 |
基督徒的脫去舊人 VS 穿上新人
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2025-03-21 |
基督徒 '脫去舊人並穿上新人' 的關鍵
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2025-03-21 |
基督徒如何在經歷中 '脫去舊人, 穿上新人'
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2025-03-20 |
從 新約 看 '信徒的『一個新人』,『同一的口』,『說一樣的話』'
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2025-03-20 |
一個身體以基督作生命 VS 一個新人以基督作人位
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2025-03-20 |
在新人裏 '基督是一切, 又在一切之內'
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2025-03-20 |
那靈與規條 VS 那靈與召會
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2025-03-20 |
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2025-03-20 |
新人 如何是 '基督在十字架上的死' 所創造的
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2025-03-20 |
從 聖經 看‘神造人的定旨,目的 - 要人彰顯祂並代表祂’
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2025-03-19 |
The Two Great Mysteries in God’s Economy: Christ as the Mystery of God vs. the Church as the Mystery of Christ
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2025-03-19 |
神的經綸中的兩大奧祕 : 基督是神的奧祕 vs. 召會是基督的奧祕
(2) |
2025-03-18 |
The Purpose, Intention, Center, and Foundation of God's Creation
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2025-03-18 |
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2025-03-17 |
The Story of the Universe: God, Heaven and Earth, Man, Jesus Christ, the Church—the Golden Lampstand, the Holy City New Jerusalem—the Bride
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2025-03-17 |
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2025-03-17 |
The Mystery of the Universe vs. The Great Mystery
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2025-03-17 |
宇宙終極的奧祕 vs. 極大的奧祕
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2025-03-17 |
Christ Coming to Take Possession of the Whole Earth
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2025-03-17 |
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2025-03-17 |
The Revelation of the Mystery of Christ
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2025-03-17 |
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2025-03-15 |
Christ as the Mystery of God vs. The Church as the Mystery of Christ
(2) |
2025-03-15 |
神的奧祕是基督 vs. 基督的奧祕是召會
(6) |
2025-03-15 |
The Three Stages of the Mystery of the Universe
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2025-03-15 |
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2025-03-14 |
The Beginning vs. The End of the Age of Mystery
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2025-03-14 |
奧祕時代的開始 vs. 奧祕時代的結束
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2025-03-14 |
大哉,敬虔的奧秘! (提前3:16 )
(2) |
2025-03-14 |
從 歌羅西書一 ~三章 看 '神奧秘的三方面'
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2025-03-14 |
Baptism into Christ vs. Baptism into Christ's Death
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2025-03-14 |
浸入基督 vs. 浸入基督的死
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2025-03-14 |
How Believers Should Live by Faith in Christ?
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2025-03-14 |
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2025-03-14 |
The hidden and foreshadowing of the cross symbol and message in the Old Testament
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2025-03-14 |
從 聖經 看 ‘十字架符號和信息在舊約中的隱藏與預表’
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2025-03-14 |
Let Christ vs. Through Christ
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2025-03-14 |
讓基督 VS 藉基督
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2025-03-12 |
Christ Being Formed in Us VS Experiencing and Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ
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2025-03-12 |
基督成形在我們裏面 VS 經歷並享受包羅萬有之基督
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2025-03-12 |
Christ Being Revealed to Us VS. Christ Being Revealed in Us
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2025-03-12 |
‘基督啟示到我們裏面’ VS ‘基督啟示在我們裏面’
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2025-03-11 |
Our Human Living is Sowing
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