The Kingly Savior Dealing with Self-righteous and Dissenting Pharisees from the Old Religion VS Dealing with Fasting and Dissenting Disciples of John from the New Religion
Matt. 9:15 "Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?"
John 3:29 "The one who has the bride is the bridegroom..."
Comparison Item |
Dealing with Old Religion (Pharisees) |
Dealing with New Religion (John's Disciples) |
Description |
Indicated Himself as a physician to heal the sick |
Revealed Himself as the bridegroom to marry the bride |
Example |
Healing the sick, forgiving sins |
Being with disciples as in a wedding feast |
Application |
Followers should regard Him as a physician to restore life |
Followers should regard Him as the bridegroom to enjoy life with Him |
Related Scriptures |
Matt. 9:12 "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick." |
Matt. 25:1 "Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom." |
The Lord's Wisdom |
Used the metaphor of a physician to respond to Pharisees' questioning |
Used the metaphor of a bridegroom to respond to John's disciples' questioning |
Impact on Followers |
Heals and restores their life |
Makes them groomsmen, ultimately to become the bride |
The Lord's Purpose |
To save and restore people |
To gain people as His bride |
Proper Attitude of Followers |
Recognize their sickness and need for healing |
Joyfully enjoy being with the Lord, as in a wedding feast |
Critique of Religion |
Exposed the self-righteousness of religious people |
Pointed out that religious rituals (like fasting) may lose their true meaning |
This table summarizes how the Lord Jesus wisely responded to questioning from different groups, while revealing different aspects of Himself as the Savior. He is both the physician who heals us and the bridegroom who intimately fellowships with us. This reveals that following Christ should not be trapped in religious regulations, but should be about building an intimate relationship with the living Christ.
*Please refer to the 2024 Summer Live Training - Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1) Message One: Christ as the Great Light, the One with Authority, the Physician, the Bridegroom, the Unfulled Cloth, and the New Wine