
"Christ Becoming Flesh vs. Christ Becoming the Life-Giving Spirit"

John 1:14 "And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us (and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father), full of grace and reality."

1 Corinthians 15:45 "So also it is written, 'The first man, Adam, became a living soul'; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit."

1 Corinthians 6:17 "But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him."


Christ Becoming Flesh

Christ Becoming the Life-Giving Spirit


1. Incarnation, taking human form

2. Coming for redemption

1. Becoming the source of life through resurrection

2. Distributing life


1. Soulish body

2. Natural state

3. Redemption phase

1. Spiritual body

2. Resurrected form

3. Life distribution phase


- Beginning of incarnation

- Preparation for redemption plan

- New identity after resurrection

- Imparting life to believers

Practical Examples

- Jesus during incarnation

- Christ living on earth

- Resurrected Christ

- Christ operating in believers' spirits


1. Redemption

2. Dying in place of humanity

1. Life distribution

2. Union with believers

Relationship Between Two

Incarnation is the premise of redemption; Life-giving Spirit is the realization of life distribution

Key Scriptures

- John 1:14 (Incarnation)

- John 1:29 (Taking away sins)

- 1 Corinthians 15:45 (Last Adam became life-giving Spirit)

- 1 Corinthians 6:17 (Becoming one spirit with the Lord)

Life Quality

Soulish, Natural

Spiritual, Resurrected

Relationship with Believers

External Redeemer

Internal Life Source

Historical Significance

Representative of Old Creation

Center of New Creation

Ultimate Goal

Redeeming Humanity

Transforming Believers, Building Christ's Body


Spiritual Depth:

  1. 1. Christ becoming flesh is the beginning of redemption, becoming the life-giving Spirit is the continuation of life
  2. 2. Transition from external redemption to internal life distribution
  3. 3. Transformation from old creation to new creation
  4. 4. From substitutionary redemption to organic union

Spiritual Insights:

  • * Believers are not only redeemed but must experience Christ as the life-giving Spirit
  • * Life is not about external change but spiritual renewal
  • * Christ's work is comprehensive: RedemptionLifeTransformation

Practical Application:

  • * Accept redemption
  • * Open the spirit to Christ's indwelling
  • * Live by the spirit, not by the soul
  • * Pursue life growth and renewal

Interpretative Principles:

  • * Emphasize the progressive nature of God's redemptive plan
  • * Highlight the transition from external work to internal transformation
  • * Underscore the believer's participation in Christ's life

Missiological Implications:

  • * Understanding the fullness of Christ's work
  • * Recognizing the dynamic nature of spiritual life
  • * Encouraging believers to move beyond mere theological knowledge to experiential reality

*Please refer to Life-Study of First Corinthians, Message Sixty-Eight: Dealing with Resurrection (4)

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